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Vadde Kishore Babbu, Koppule Victor Babu


“The Gita is not only my Bible or my Quran; it is more than that, it is my mother. I lost my earthly mother, who gave me birth, long ago, but this eternal mother has completely filled her place by my side ever since. She has never changed. She has never failed me. When I am in difficulty or distress I seek refuge in her bosom” (Hingorani and Hingorani, 1985, p.136), says Mahatma Gandhi; the father of India. Gandhi considered it as a kind dictionary which he consulted constantly to solve his problems of life. This sacred book influenced the life of Gandhi very much. The influence of Gita can be seen not only in the life of Gandhi but also in the life of many important personalities of modern and contemporaryIndia.

It is because of the uniqueness of this sacred book. The essence of the Hindu religion is found in thy source. It is both philosophical and devotional in nature. Its content is theoretical as well as practical. Many great people in Indiasought in Gita inspiration for their lives and action. It has been the source of strength for people from all walks of life. Bhagavad Gita can be studied from many angles. Its subject matter consists of many interesting themes. One of them is yoga.  It is dealt at length in it. It is also an important theme. Many important teachings of Gita are centered around this theme. This paper tries to present some of those insights on yoga.

This article is divided into four parts. The first part deals with yoga and its origin. The second part explains about Karma yoga.  The third part throws light on Jnana yoga.  The last part explains Bhakti yoga.


gavad Gita , Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga,Nishkamakarma, Pradhana,Dharma,Karmaphala, self-realization, Liberation, Qualities of Bhakta

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