B. Shirly, E. Anandhi


Marketers are under pressure to deliver their best in this highly competitive, dynamic and technology driven business world. The purpose of this research is to construct a scale, to assess the efficacy of advertising effectiveness and controlling the encoding phase, in the communication process. Numerous scholars have studied the research domain of advertising and have tried to recognize different measurement of advertisement effectiveness in the context of various media. This study focuses on factors influencing the customers to opt Vodafone service through effective advertisements. This study is descriptive, survey based, single cross sectional and region specific focus on advertising effectiveness towards Vodafone at Villupuram. A structured questioner was framed and tested on 100 respondents. The researcher has analyzed the data collected through statistical tool like percentage analysis, chi-square, testing of hypothesis, weighted average analysis. The researcher is discussing a possible method to investigate the degree of coincidence between what is conveyed through advertising and what actually is understood by the consumers. Each stage in the development of an Advertisement is an exciting experience for the marketers. It is a hard task to design an advertisement that has the right quantity and quality, attention towards the product sales. Thus, it is crucial in improving the advertising efficiency. The advertisers play a vital role by knocking down the communication obstacles and change the mindset of audiences by making the advertisement exclusive and vigorous. Visual images play a very important role in capturing the attention of the public, thereby promotes selling the products.


Advertising, Media, Communication, Effectiveness, Purchasing Behavior, Consumer Awareness.


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• Additional Bibliography

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