Introduction: Cholelithiasis can present with varying symptoms often mimicking other gastrointestinal pathologies. A significant proportion of patients with post cholecystectomy syndrome have other underlying gastrointestinal diseases which remain undiagnosed as symptoms are often attributed to gallstones.
Materials and methods: Thirty patients with diagnosis of cholelithiasis underwent UGI endoscopy before cholecystectomy at department of Surgery at Acharya Shri Chahder College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Sidhra, Jammu with effect from November 2008 to September 2009. Post operative symptoms relief was recorded and findings were corroborated with UGI endoscopy results.
Results: Majority of patients belonged to age group 35 to 50 years (46.6%). 28 patients (93.3%) presented with pain abdomen which was the most common symptom. Total of 23(76.6%) patients had abnormal finding on endoscopy. Gastritis was the commonest abnormality seen in 18(60%) patients. All patients with persistence of symptoms beyond 1 & 3 months had abnormal endoscopic findings preoperatively.
Coclusions: All patients of cholelithiasis presenting with dull and constant type of pain with more dyspeptic symptoms should undergo Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy before cholecystectomy.
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