The joy when a fetus is conceived knows no bounds when a normal healthy child is born. This beautiful picture is sometimes charred by the onset and manifestation of fetal anaemia.
Objective:This review was conducted to assess the worldwide utility of fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (MCA- PSV) for the diagnosis of fetal anemia.
Materials and Methods: Different articles detailing the methods of diagnosis of fetal anemia were accessed by from the departmental library as well as from the World Wide Web. Important features of these methods, their pros and cons were then highlighted.
Results: Amniotic fluid spectrophotometric analysis to detect bilirubin is an indirect as well as an invasive approach. Cordocentesis under ultrasound guidance gives fetal blood sample directly to estimate haemoglobin in it, but this too is an invasive method. Both of these methods have the potential to result in fetal loss. The use of colour Doppler ultrasound to show abnormal rise in MCA-PSV in presence of fetal anaemia is not only a non invasive approach to assess fetal anaemia but is also an effective, economical and repeatable method for the same.
Conclusions: Of the various methods available to diagnose fetal anemia, Colour Doppler estimation of fetal MCA-PSV is the most effective and widely practiced non invasive method.
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