A child has always been the center point of concern and focus in society. Thus the health of a child has been the trigger of various anxious episodes happening in that tender age. Various means are available over the counter as preventive and therapeutic remedies. Indian traditional medicines have a lot to offer to the world in this aspect also. Embelia is a medicinal plant used in traditional Indian medicine for the treatment of the various ailments. In Ayurveda the plant is popularly known as ‘Vidanga’. Embelia is one of medicinal plants which is pluripotent in nature and offers a great preventive as well as well protective umbrella for child’s health.
The seeds, leaves and fruits of the same plant have different therapeutic activities like antibiotic, antihelmentic, antibacterial, astringent, demulcent, depurative, anticonvulsant and used in prevention of pleurities, sore throat, ulcers of mouth, skin diseases, jaundice and mental disorders also in treatment of dental caries thus make this plant unique. This paper focuses not only on the antibacterial and antimicrobial but also antihelmentic, antifungal, and antioxidant properties of Embelia basal.
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