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Mahendra Kumar Jalthania


Whenever probe tenderness in right iliac fossa was present, all cases later proved to be of appendicitis except 4.76% cases which were detected as right ureteric calculus. In almost half the cases appendix could be visualized and its position, diameter, wall thickness could be detected on USG. The commonest finding by USG, when appendix was visualized were blind ended tubular structure, non compressible and target lesion. During USG, decrease in probe tenderness was found to be an important finding as all these cases had perforated appendix.

Maximum number of cases as detected by USG and operation had retrocaecal appendix. Histopathologically, 85% cases had acute appendicitis and rest of the cases had chronic appendicitis. Thus, in the present era, it could be said that USG is an essential investigation in a suspected case of appendicitis.


Appendicitis, USG, Retrocaecal appendix, Pathology, Appendicular Pathology, Ultrasonography.

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