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Neha Seehra, Lakshmi Meena, Anita Rajorhia


Introduction: Intrauterine devices are increasingly used as a method of family planning, but satisfaction of women who have adopted intrauterine device need further characterization. Our specific aims were to review systematically women who accepted IUD 380-A as post partum IUD , following MTP or  IUD only, their experience, satisfaction and complications with this choice of contraception.

Material and Methods: We studied 272 women who came for follow up of cu-t 380 –A, in the Gynaecology OPD of hospital of Delhi government from January 2013 to February 2015. We assessed their acceptance with continuation, complication & rejection of cu-t 380 –A. 

Results: Maximum patients were in the age group of 20-24 years. 79% patients continuing with IUD, while 10.2% experienced the complications. 21% visited for removal of IUD with most frequent reason being prolonged bleeding.

Conclusion: Women who received cu-t 380 –A show a high level of satisfaction with this choice of contraception and the rates of expulsion were low enough such that the benefit of contraceptive protection outweigh the potential  inconvenience of needing to return for care in that subset of women.


IUD, CU-T 380-A, Contraception, Acceptance of IUD, Discontinuation of IUD, Intra uterine contraceptive device.

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