Introduction: Burn injuries are common in developing countries. Most commonly involved regions in burn injuries are face, neck & extremities. Contractures and scar are common sequelae after burn injuries. Neck contracture is one of serious late complication after burn.
Material and Methods: We have done an analytical study on 34 patients with PBC neck, who were treated in our institute in last six year.
Results: In our study female(61.7%) are commonly encountered with burn injuries and developed neck contracture. Most of contracture are mild grade (32%) but 17.6% cases has severe contracture. In 85.2% cases, we have done skin grafting after contracture released and in 1 year follow up periods 3 cases of recurrence were seen.
Conclusion: Skin grafting, local flap are reliable and safe surgeries but post op rehabitilation also play important role to prevent recurrence of contracture.
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