Superior understanding of these concepts allows for a comprehensive description of the possible experiences and outcome of domestic violence among oppressed and marginal populations especially women living in slums. The study examines the relationships between economic and social factors that represent different magnitude of gender-based power and reported experience of domestic violence among married women in urban slums. The study was based on in-depth interview of 100 women, facing domestic violence, residing in urban slums in Coimbatore corporation area. The study confirms that the level of violence experienced was high and pervasive across all socioeconomic groups, education levels and younger age group women in urban slums. Physical violence was more rampant form of violence prevalent in urban slums and this in turn has affected women’s family relationship. The frequency of violence was found to increase with increase in the productivity and skill level of the women and declined with more financial autonomy. Hence, there is an urgent need to strengthen the existing policies and programmes to reduce the occurrence of violence against women.
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