‘Knowledge is power’ is although a popular proverb, it holds much larger significance in the area of knowledge management. In knowledge based organization employing knowledge workers, growth of an employee career is dependent on his knowledge and so it is natural for him to hold on to knowledge. At the other end is growth of the organization which requires an optimal knowledge proliferation. This is where the role of knowledge management comes in. To recognise and understand all those factors that can contribute knowledge sharing and appropriately handle all these factors.
Globally recognised researchers like Gold et al (2001)(14), Lee and Choi (2003)(19), Alavi & Tiwana (2005)(1) has demonstrated the impact of technical infrastructure, organization culture, and organization structure and staff skills on the knowledge management capabilities of an organization. Amongst these, organization culture which is partially because of human values of the people associated with the organization plays a significant role in the knowledge sharing behaviour of the workforce.
What are key traits of human values? These are caring & sharing; discipline; selflessness; fairness; justice for one another. Where do these key traits come from? These key traits are part of human values. Human values are passed by parents to their offspring soon after childbirth and are instilled throughout the children's upbringing. As the children grow, they learn more values from their peers, religious leaders, teachers, friends and society at large and cement their opinions about their trait values.
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Gammelgaard J, and Ritter T. (2000). "Knowledge Retrieval Process in Multinational Consulting Firms", Danish Social Sciences Research Council, Frederiksberg, Denmark.
Gold AH, Malhotra A, and Segars AH. (2001). "Knowledge Management-an Organizational Capabilities Perspective", Journal of Management Information System, Vol.18(1), pp.185-214.
Hair JF, Anderson RE, Babin BJ, and Black WC. (2010). "Multivariate Data Analysis", 7th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Hair JF, Anderson RE, Tatham RL, and Black WC. (2006). "Multivariate Data Analysis", 6th Edition Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
Hoyle. (n.d.). "The Structural Equation Modelling Approach : Basic Concepts and Fundamental Issues".
Hu LT, and Bentler PM. (1999). "Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives", Structural Equation Modelling, Vol.6(1), pp.1-55.
Lee H, and Choi B. (2003). "Knowledge Management Enablers, Processes and Organizational Performance: an Integrative View and Empirical Examination", Journal of Management Information System, Vol.20(01), pp.179-228.
Lin HH. (2007). "Knowledge Sharing and Firm Innovation Capability: An Empirical Study", International Journal of Manpower, Vol.28(3), pp.315-332.
Nonaka I, and Takeuchi H. (1997). "The Knowledge Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation", Oxford, New York.
Nonaka I, and Toyama R. (2003). "The Knowledge Craeting Theory Revisited: Knowledge Creation as Synthesis Process", Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Vol.1(1), pp.2-10.
Schreiber JB, Stage FK, King J, and Amarury NEA. (2006). "Reporting Structural Equation Modelling and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Results- a Review", The Journal of Educational Research, Vol.99(6), pp.323-337.
Schwartz DG, Divitini M, and Brashethvik T. (2000). "Internet based Organizational Memory and Knowledge Management", Idea Group Publication, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Stair R, and Reynolds G. (1998). "Principles of Information Systems", International Thompson Publishing.
Van den Hoof BJ, and Huysman MH. (2009). "Managing Knowledge Sharing: Emergent and Engineering Approaches", Information and Management, Vol.46(1), pp.1-8.
Wasko MML, and Faraj S. (2005). "Why Should I Share ? Examining Social Capital & Knowledge Contribution in Electronic Networks", MIS Quarterly, Vol 29(1), pp.35-57.
• Additional Bibliography
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