Finance is the powerful invention for economic growth and development especially in resource- constrained developing countries like India. Access to the financial areas especially by the poor people is essential for promoting inclusive economic growth and eradicating poverty in the country. An inclusive financial system provides a number of benefits to the economy and improves standard of living of the people. Digital Financial Services(DFS) have significant potential to provide a range of affordable, convenient and secure banking services to poor in developing countries. DFS not only promises to accelerate growth of rural households, but also will yield a significant change in the financial transactions and replace traditional methods of the same. Globally, there is a tremendous interest among the policy makers, academicians and commercial enterprises to explore the possibilities of moving of society towards cashless economy. The change of the world has seen cashless in recent years. Almost every industry across the globe is grappling best ways in order to enable the greater efficiency and improved customer experience. Majority of consumers desires an integrated digital services especially financial service platform which enables them to have seamless access to all banking or any other financial services.
Digital Financial Services have an important role in the development of poor people. It is not only provides them with access to financing but also to electronic payment systems, financial products and a chance to build a financial history. Since the development of rural households i.e., the empowerment of woman is important one, digital financial services not only focus on the overall development of the rural people also rural households specifically. The present study helps to analyze the awareness of Digital Financial Services among rural households with special reference to The present study helps to analyze the awareness of Digital Financial Services among rural households with special reference to Thrikkalangodu Panchayath. The study intends to analyze the awareness of rural households on Digital Financial Services and to study the attitude of them towards DFS.
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