M Anto Juliet Mary, Vani Ramesh


Education is continually evolving, is multilayered and occurs within the interaction among institutions, communities and families. It is highly value oriented and involves different exhibits of academicians who shape its character. Referring to academicians and particularly academic migrants, interstate migrants are those who have moved to other states for employment opportunities. Intra state academicians move within the state for employment opportunities .The term integration refers to the areas of family and work domains that are overlapped and interconnected throughout the day .Balancing the academic career with family is one of the challenges faced by the migrant academicians This model is illustrated by the single occupation academicians, for whom work and life boundary is found to be distinct. Exploration of factors which facilitate or impede work life integration of migrant’s academicians in relation to Bengaluru is in nascent stage. Hence, this research attempts to assess impact of migration on work life integration with respect to the role of work family conflict (WFC) and family work conflict (FWC) experienced by the academicians migrated to Bengaluru. This paper proposes a model of work life integration and migration of academicians with PESTLE factors as the explanatory construct. The notable dimensions of PESTLE are Political, Economical, Sociocultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental. The findings will enhance our understanding of migration impact on work life integration in the context of PESTLE factors and purely for contributing the existing literature.


Migration, Migrant academicians, work life integration, work life conflict, family work conflict.


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