We are presenting a case of a 52-year-old woman presented with pain and swelling at ankle. She was investigated for several neoplastic, inflammatory, and infective conditions for her left ankle pain associated with swelling on medial side, which she developed gradually in 3 weeks duration without any history of trauma or infection. X-ray showed normal picture. Magnetic resonance imaging showed diffuse bone marrow edema in the talus associated with soft tissue swelling on medial side. With negative infective and inflammatory markers, the condition was diagnosed as “transient osteoporosis.”
She was reassured and managed conservatively with rest, non weight bearing and oral bisphosphonates. At the end of 8 months, she was completely asymptomatic and her magnetic resonance images showed significant improvement with complete resolution of bone marrow edema. No specific treatment has been proposed for foot and ankle involvement due to scarcity of literature. The condition is self-limiting, and watchful expectancy of a normal recovery is the mainstay of treatment.
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