Aim: To evaluate the surgical management of BPH with emphasis on Open Prostatectomy and TURP. To compare the outcomes of Open Prostatectomy and TURP in BPH patients in order to assess morbidity and mortality associated with prostatectomy.
Material and Methods: Patients needing prostatectomy for various indications admitted to a general surgical unit in CRGH, Ujjain, during a period from May, 2013 to April 2014 were included in this study. In all 100 patients were included in the study. Fifty patients were treated transurethrally and fifty by suprapubic approach.
Results: Two groups of fifty patients each were made, i.e. TVP and TUR groups. Both groups were relieved, albeit reoperation was done in TUR group. Hospital stay wound complications were more in TVP group. Better compliance was seen in a patient of TUR group. No mortality occurred in the study.
Conclusion: Transurethral resection is the method of choice in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia especially in patients with mild to moderate prostatic enlargement and in the elderly patients with co-existing medical disease.
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