Ginu George, Litty Mariyam Kunju


Millets are considered as highly nutritious cereal which have been traditionally grown and eaten in most parts of the world. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibre. Millets are called with different tags line such as poor man’s food grain as it grows in any adverse climatic and soil condition and do not require too much of moist to grow. In the framework of this study was devoted to analyse the correlation between the price and the arrivals of millets. The study focused on Madhya Pradesh (MP) market as it is one of the largest producers of millets in India and study covered all the market under MP. The secondary data on the arrivals and price of millets from 2015-2019 was collected from the online database and analysed based on three seasons; Kharif, Monsoon and Rabi season. Correlation co–efficient was used to determine the relationship between wholesale prices and arrivals of millets. It was found from the data, r=-.514 and P=.088, indicating that there is negative and no relationship between the price and arrivals. Thus, the study indicated that price fluctuation is affected by other aspects such as demand, availability, seasonal conditions, awareness among the public and export potentials.


Millets, Cereals, Price movement, Millet arrivals, Madhya Pradesh, Poor man food.


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