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Satish Gupta, Sweta Gupta


In most countries, especially third world countries, the acrimonious infectivity of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected human ecology industries, trading & economy, and education was the most impacted. Like other countries, India too adopted online teaching as crunch time. With the adoption of online teaching, teachers and students face challenges in technical proficiency and digital availability. Given this, the research aims to find out the difficulties faced by teachers in online teaching. The study also explores created opportunities and support initiatives by the Delhi government. Data from 60 teachers were collected through closed-ended survey questionnaires and semi-structured interview schedules. Major challenges and opportunities experienced by them were enquired about, along with their role of govt in providing support for the online teaching and learning process. It was found that teachers encountered multiple technological, content delivery, assessment, effective communication, environmental challenges and opportunities of time, space flexibility, and easy access have also been created. This study can be carried out in-depth to make better planning and future decisions.


Online Teaching, Covid-19 teaching, Teaching challenges, Teaching Opportunities in Covid, Covid pandemic, Covid school

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