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G. Vimala, R. Ganapathi


The cable operators in India began their services in 1993. At the beginning only limited people had their own television sets. In rural areas only a few people had black and white televisions. Other had to watch programmes on TV only in the houses of rich. Only a few customers were available to the cable operators. Due to the development of technology and life style, it has become a necessity. Every family has a minimum of one TV. The service of the cable operators in yester years was somewhat better than the services that are provided at present. People face problems from cable operators for many reasons.

The village people suffer a lot by the cable operators. They depend on cable operators for their entertainment. The cable operators disconnect many channels to avoid the burden of rent payable to various channel operators and also to minimize the power consumption. Karaikudi town has also many cable operators and subscribers of various channels. Inspite of paying the cable operators properly, they do not get all channels whenever they want to watch. To know all the problems and issues, a thorough study is to be undertaken. Hence, the researchers as a preliminary step, tried to write the research paper in order to adder the issues related to cable television services.


Customers Satisfaction, Cable Television, Television Services, Karaikudi Town, Cable Television Services, Cable Television in Karaikudi

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