Many marketing studies have tried to identify the factors that may explain the adequate use of images. The hypothesis made is that the privileged shapes enhance processes of attention and memorization through the feeling of serenity that they suffuse in subject’s minds. In order to experiment our hypothesis we shall analyse, in terms of privileged angles between lines of great psychological or plastic importance and, also, in terms of classical proportions used in Architecture and Art. After the presentation of shapes knowledge, an application of this knowledge developped to discover and to show the spatial quantization of advertised pictures of Taj Mahal.
The method used to find out if specific shapes were used in these pictures, is based on the angular analysis of pictures. The results make it possible to update the knowledge on angular couplings, which could be, at first sight, invisible to the naked eye; and compare the optimizing impact of objects proportion’s components with the objectives that were expected. We demonstrate that the contributions made by other sciences to a deeper understanding of some origins of the impact of shape of object in the picture should be put at the center of a new axe of marketing research.
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