Investigating The Role of African Immigrant-Owned Small Businesses in Employment Creation for South Africa
The recurring tension between immigrants and locals in the townships and inner cities of South Africa is a source of concern. As immigrants continue to grow and exhibit their entrepreneurial flair being owners and managers of small businesses they contend with aggression based on the perception that they are job takers. This paper presents the findings of the role that African immigrants play in creating employment for South Africans and the transference of entrepreneurial skills to them. It is based on secondary data from academic journal articles, publications from governmental and non-governmental organizations and relevant books.
A review of literature on migration, the effect of immigration on entrepreneurship and African immigrant entrepreneurs in South Africa formed the background to the study. The outcome of this research is consistent with contemporary literature; that immigrant entrepreneurs contribute to the local economy in job creation and promote entrepreneurship. The research also recommends changes to entrepreneurship and small business policies and immigration laws in South Africa. To be more inclusive of immigrant businesses owners and to supports all irrespective of immigration status.
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