The days has come that India-ASEAN cooperation and outcome of it will be recognized not only by the Asia but by the entire globe. Currently, India is closely collaborating with South East Asian Countries in various fields such as trade and investment, science and technology, tourism, human resource and infrastructure development. India expected to intensify such linkages further. Through the institutions of dialogue partnership with ASEAN, attempts were being made to identify the areas for focus interaction, including formulation of concrete work programmes and action plan. But, where does India collaborate for HRD, what is the degree of density and intensity of HRD collaboration with the member countries of South East Asia is an interesting issue. The present study intends to examine the density and intensity of HRD collaboration between India and eight member countries of South East Asia.
To examine the density and intensity, the author first highlighted on the India’s bilateral project modes for which India has been attributed the partnership of HRD Collaboration. In addition, an attempt has been made to quantify the density and intensity of HRD collaboration between India and select South East Asian Nations.
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