Introduction: Eye diseases are very common in our country. 1 out of every 4 persons in our country has suffered from an eye problem at some point of time. The causes of eye morbidity are multifactorial. Not only infections and poor nutrition but also personal hygiene and sanitation are important predisposing factors and the climatic conditions can aggravate the problems.
Aim and Objectives: The study was carried out to see the role of environmental factors in causation of ocular morbidity and to study the effect of personal hygiene on occurrence of ocular morbidity.
Research Methodology: Forty randomly selected families from each of the nine localities registered at Urban Health Training Center (U.H.T.C.), Surajkund were taken for the study. Thus, a total of 360 families were studied. The information was collected on a pre-designed and pre-tested schedule regarding the socio-demographic characteristics and environmental status by a house-to-house visit interviewing each individual in detail. Visual acuity for each individual was determined. The eyes were examined under torch light.
Results and Conclusion: A significantly high prevalence of ocular morbidity was seen in individuals having kitchen in their living rooms (69.3%) as compared to those with separate kitchen and kitchen in verandah (52.2% and 47.3% respectively).Infections were found to be significantly more prevalent in people with poor personal hygiene (7.0%) as compared to those with fair and good hygiene (2.3% and 3.6% respectively).Keywords
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