This study is a survey of some salient features in dietary and life style factors of diabetes patients in a rural area of Kottayam district, Kerala. This cross sectional study was conducted in a diabetes outpatient clinic in a rural hospital in Kanjirapally of central Kerala.
A pre tested structured questionnaire to assess demographic, cultural and life style related factors was used. A sample of 300 diabetes patients whose age ranged from 40 to 70 and above showed females being affected more than males. The majority in the sample had basic education only and belonging to middle and high income groups. More than half the sample (60%) had uncontrolled diabetes with an average HA1C of 8.7% and only 36% had normal B.M.I (Body Mass Index), the rest being either overweight or obese. The average duration of diabetes was 12.5 years. Physical activity levels were low. 71.3% had a positive family history of diabetes. Diet was mostly non vegetarian. Consumption of tapioca by majority of the sample is a characteristic feature and ‘fast food culture’ is common. The observations could be utilised to devise preventive strategies incorporating a cultural perspective in high risk groups.
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