Divya Sachan, Nishi Sethi


Garment construction is a technical accomplishment, which requires knowledge of fabrics, principle of garment construction and skills involved in it. Present study was conducted in Hisar District of Haryana state, purposively. Two hundred thirty respondents from ten villages of four blocks, i.e. Hisar I, Hisar II, Barwala, and Hansi rural were imparted trainings on garment construction. Out of these total 120 respondents were selected for the present study. Satisfaction level of respondents was recorded high for all three aspects (subject matter, quality of trainer, physical facilities). Overall impact of training in terms of knowledge, attitude, skill acquisition, adoption and decision-making pattern was found to be medium level.


Garment construction training, Scheduled caste women, Utility and coverage, Satisfaction level and overall impact, Effectiveness of training, Effectiveness of training on women.


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