Information technology is expected to drive human resource’s transition from a focus on HRM to Strategic HRM. This strategic role not only adds a valuable dimension to the HR function, but also changes the competencies that define HR professional and practitioner success. This study aims at investigating what role if any do Human resource information systems (HRIS) play in SHRM. It attempts to examine how HR professionals and managers in different organizations see the effects of HRIS on strategic HR tasks and job roles. It also tries to find out if there is any significant difference in the usage of HRIS between small / medium and large sized companies.
A survey questionnaire was sent through email to 137 companies and a response rate of 47% was received. The target group of the respondents was HR managers, HR directors and HR professionals in company’s base in Chennai. The scope was widened to include both large and small/medium sized organizations across the IT sectors.
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