The word ‘success’ is the most sought after commodity. Students, business men, entrepreneurs and people from all walks of life crave for success in their lives. Is success in career be equated with the success in life? A most successful person in the field of business may not be happy and successful in personal life? Success in life means being able to face all kinds of situations successfully and that which brings out happiness on all fronts- be it college, house or work place.
‘The science of Management’ or ‘Managerial Effectiveness’ or ‘Effective Communication’ and so on, deals with only one particular aspect of success and does not look in to its holistic nature. True success lies in doing the job whole heartedly with efficiency and passion. Real success is that which brings joy not only to the self but the people around us. The paper attempts to find out the beauty of doing the duty and explores the factors of ‘success’ and the real nature of ‘success’ for broad understanding.
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