The focus of this research is parent and child decisions about the purchase of products used by teenagers especially the purchase behavior, purchase decision process relating to promotion and marketing mix and the response of parents. The research has been carried out fewer than two headings, viz., ‘Analysis of promotion and marketing mix’ and ‘Parent’s response on the purchase decision’.
Promotion and marketing mix consists of promotion, advertisement, dealer’s sales initiative and external environment stimuli. After thoroughly obtaining the information about the promotion and marketing mix variables teenagers employ emotional strategy to materialize their purchase decision process. It is also noted that teenagers are also influenced by friends/peers. Friends/peers are an important socializing influence; operate most strongly in socio oriented communication pattern. Hence, for the purchase of consumer durables, teenagers also employ logical strategy to achieve their purchase decision.
Teenagers apply both emotional and logical reasoning while applying their strategy on their parents for their purchase approval. Parents feel that if a consumer durable product is an essential item for the teenagers, parents give positive response to the teenager’s purchase of those products.
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