Present study was undertaken to examine the Impact of Academic Stress upon Academic Achievement and Mental
Health of the Adolescents. For that purpose 400 students, age ranged from 13th to 18th of class X and XII, were
selected randomly from different schools of Agra city (Uttar Pradesh, India), out of which 200 were Males and 200
were Females. The selected adolescents were administered the questionnaires individually. Academic Stress Scale
developed by Sinha et al. (2003) was used for the assessment of academic stress among students. For measuring six
areas of mental health, Mental Helath Battery, developed by Singh and Gupta in 2000 was used.
For measuring academic achievement, percentage of marks obtained by students in last grade was taken. Results
indicated that Academic stress had significant negative correlation with Academic Achievement and Mental Health
of the adolescents while Academic Achievement had significant positive correlation with mental Health. No significant
difference were found between Academic Stress and Mental Health of 10th and 12th grade adolescents while
significant difference was found between Academic Achievement of 10th and 12th grade adolescents. No significant
difference was found between Academic Stress of Male and Female Adolescents while significant difference was
found between Academic Achievement and Mental Health of Male and Female Adolescents.
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