Janaranjani B., Pavithra S., Vishnu B. Menon


Information technology plays a vital role in development of financial sectors and the ways of doing business in mere future. Increase in the use of smart phones and internet had led to a new distribution channels for business activities and trading, where buying and selling of goods and services takes place with transfer of money and data’s over internet. It is the methodology of modern business, which is addressing the need of companies, vendors and customer to reduce the cost by increasing the delivery speed also increases the quality of services. It helps the firm to share information’s easily through the electronic communication channels which leads to little dependency on persons for exchange of information, all the process of transactions and communications are automated, where there is no human intervention, apart from these e-commerce eliminates geographical limitations. It was a range of technologies which have opened up an array of e-commerce options and today’s technological growth, the advancement of information and communication technology has brought a lot of change in spheres of daily life of human being, rather it adds value to customer satisfaction in terms of convenience of customers and enables company to earn advantage over the competetors. This study predicts the challenges faced and benefits enjoyed by the merchants due to e-commerce.


Information technology, Internet, Transactions, Automation, Merchant.











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