Soundarya R, N.V. Amudha Devi


The study was conducted to find out the Effectiveness of Bowenian Therapy in enhancing Emotional Maturity, Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction among Married women. The data was collected from different parts of Coimbatore by Convenient Sampling Method for 100 married women administering the Marital Satisfaction questionnaire, Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationship questionnaire and Emotional Maturity Scale. Thirty Participants were screened for administering the Intervention. The post test was conducted after the intervention using the same questionnaires. The data was analyzed by using SPSS package. The result revealed that there was a significant difference in the level of Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction and no significant difference was found in the level of Emotional Maturity among Married women. It is concluded that Bowenian therapy was effective in enhancing Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction among married women.


Emotional maturity, Intimacy, Marital satisfaction, Bowenian therapy, Married women, Effectiveness of Bowenian therapy.


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