Shivam Sharma


The problem of equivalence and the significance of the same in translation becomes an imperative whenever any term of a language is translated into another. There is no as such scientific theory of translation yet but it becomes a fundamental imperative that the categories don’t wither away from their authentic meaning amidst the process of translation. The wide range of its meaning and connotations, the Sanskrit term ‘Dharma’ when seen being translated under the lexicon of the term ‘Religion’ is seen to be losing some of its meaning. In the light of which the article aims to seek answer to whether the term Dharma is analogous to the term Religion. The article put forth various meanings of the term ‘Dharma’ alongwith a proper elaboration of the term ‘Religion’ and with a thorough attempt aims to examine and explicate the injustice done to the term ‘Dharma’ while being translated. The article also concurs to the inefficacy of the term Religion to be able to ensemble various meanings associated with the term ‘Dharma’.


Religion, Dharma, Religion and Dharma.



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