Rajni Nanda Mathew


Several historians have written on the Indian contacts with South-east Asia from the first century of the Christian era onwards, that resulted in the expansion of Indian culture into the region. It is then that the term “Indianization”, first used by George Coedes, a French archaeologist, came into being and was generally used to denote India’s cultural influence upon Southeast Asia. India developed significant relations with the whole of South-east Asia, which did not remain confined to trade. She made her influence felt in every field –in the realm of society, culture, polity, religion, architecture, etc. In the present article, an attempt is being made to study India’s contribution to the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia. The paper has been divided into two sections. The first section deals with the reasons and nature of the interaction between India and South-east Asia, while the second section is about its results.


Indian culture, Indianization, Cultural influence.


Lamb, Alastair (1975), “Indian Influence in Ancient South-East Asia” in A.L.Basham (ed.) “A Cultural History of India”, Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Coedes, G. (1968), “The Indianized states of Southeast Asia: The making of South East Asia”, Canberra.

Van Leur, J.C. (1955), “Indonesian Trade and Society: Essays in Asian Social and Economic History”, Hague.

Mabbett, I.W. (1977), “The Indianization of Southeast Asia; Reflections on the prehistoric sources”, Journal of Sout East Asian Studies, Vol. 8.

Sarkar, H.B. (1985), “ Cultural relations between India and southeast Asian countries”, New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass.

Chakrabarti, Ranabir (2016). “Exploring Early India up to c. AD 1300”, New Delhi, Primus Books.

Majumdar, R.C. (1979), “India and South east Asia”, Delhi, B.R. Publishing.


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