Shravan Kumar


Tripura is situated at the North-East region of India. This is encircled by Bangladesh in three sides. Chattagong, Kumilla and Noakhali Districts are situated in North, West, South and South-east respectably. East stand Assam and Mizoram. During the period of British Administration Tripura was titled as Parvarttya Tripura or Hill Tripura.
The fragrance of Buddhist heritage and enchanting culture of India Which spreads through the universal realm has for tenably entered into the sacred land of Tripura since its very ancient era at least 8th or 9th Century A.D. has enraptured the Tribal Communities of Tripura specially, the women folk by its assimilation of unflinching love, laurels and compassion for all type of human beings. The paper aims to analyse Buddhist society in Tripura (Mog and Chakma) and how they have integrated themselves in the society in contemporary times.


Tripura, Buddhist, Society, Heritage, Tribal, Women, Contempory.



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