“Main hun Aam Aadmi”, a slogan that has made wave across the country within a period of one year has revolutionized the very political structure of our country. Therefore, the researcher thought to study the communication strategy adopted by the ‘AAP’ that led to its success in the assembly elections. Kejriwal started a niche campaign but soon created a mass appeal among the common masses. His ideology of campaign included the agendas of the common man and not the agendas of the national party.
A survey was conducted among 100 respondents and also analyzed the various communication modes adopted by ‘AAP’ taking Agenda setting theory as a base. The paper included that Arvind Kejriwal, driving force behind ‘AAP’ won the people heart through a strategic communication strategy of common man. His door to door communication and the ideology of ‘AAP’ triggered with the issues of the common man. Thus, the agendas of the ‘Aam Adami party’ matched the agendas of the common man.
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