The present study is concerned with the impact of service quality on tourist’s satisfaction and revisit. It initially reviews the importance of tourism industry and the concept and dimensions of service quality, and then it deals with the impact of service quality in tourism and customer satisfaction with respect of Chandigarh, India as tourist destination. The results from the research showed that such dimensions as Quality of accessibility, accommodation, venue and their components contribute directly in satisfaction of tourists, their intend to return and eventually development of tourism industry in a region. In order to map the service quality of Chandigarh, 100 questionnaire were collected consisting of 6 areas and 25 items pertaining services provided in Chandigarh and tourist’s impression with respect to satisfaction. The 6 categories are 1) Services by Hotel/Accommodation 2) Transportation Services 3) Food and Beverage Service 4) Accessibility of Markets/Emporiums/shopping arcades 5) Services by Travel Agents 6) Safety and security. Information on specific and general satisfaction levels with regard to each item was also collected.
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