The principal purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of family background and upbringing on leadership styles adopted by women leaders. The study explored whether the choice of ones’ leadership style is subject to environmental factors and values associated with upbringing and family background encountered in early childhood through to early adulthood. The research assessed, the upbringing and family values experienced by the leader and match them with his or her leadership approach.
The aspect of leadership affects lives of human beings in different walks of life, be it political, religious, business, social, psychological and economic. As a result in this dynamic, sophisticated, and competitive environment it is imperative for organizations to have leaders who match the demands of such an environment for the perpetual survival and existence of their organization. This study was based on primary as well as secondary data collected from reliable sources and interpretation on the results show that there is a direct bearing on the leadership styles adopted by women leaders to their upbringing and background.
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