Shekhar Kumbhar, Bhooma Krishnan, R. K. Sokhi, Akbar Hussain


The study was designed to see behavioral problem among orphan children as orphans are not probably socialized and deprived of parental love and affection. Orphan children are also found emotionally vulnerable due to absence of the parents especially mother. Due to absence of natural care taker their emotional development may be hampered. The study was conducted on 60 orphan children of 8-12 years living in orphanages of Delhi. For the purpose of comparison equal numbers of non orphan government school children of similar age group were also taken. Quay and Peterson’s (1987)(5) RPBC was used to behavior problems whereas Singh & Bhargava (1998)(9) emotional maturity scale was used to see the level of maturity among the children. The result indicated that orphans were significantly high on behavior problem and low on emotional maturity. The two variables were found inversely related to each other.


Behavior problem, Emotional maturity, Orphan, Behavior disorder, Aggressive behavior, Orphan children.


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