Chandra Khemudu, Rajani Padal


Education strengthens the structure of holistic development. Education impacts and leads towards human development outcomes both as input and output. It is one of the prime driving forces of transformation for any communities and societies. The composition of tribe’s in Koraput district is quite heterogeneous in terms of their social, economical and physical characteristics and development. Koraput district account for 28.72 percent of the total tribal population of which around 93 percent of the people of this region still live in villages and mostly depend on agriculture. The total literacy rate is only 52.27 percent of which only 41.20 percent of female is literate in the region despite government and NGOs various Schemes and efforts. The minimum essential amenities like study materials in tribal language, drinking water, toilets, tribal teachers’ recruitment, safety for adolescent girls etc. is marked absence both in secondary and higher secondary schools. Owing to this, the children from tribal communities of this region are not interested in attending schools and their participation is quite low in the schools. Tribal children have very low levels of participation especially the girl child, as they are not aware of most of the progrmmes and policies made for their upliftment. Besides, poverty, attitude and schizophrenia of parents, medium of language, location, infrastructure, delay implementation and lack monitoring etc. are major challenges. Though the development of the tribes is taking place, the pace of development has been rather very slow. Thus, this paper is an attempt to study in this direction.


Development among tribals, Poverty in Odisha, Communities of Odisha, Educational schemes, Efforts and Participation, Educational constraints.


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