Rahul Kumar, Minakshi .


This paper attempts to study the economic pattern among the Lodha Family living in Sirish Chowk village of Jhargram district, West Bengal. There has been an attempt to explore the household economic behaviour and for its anthropologically informed understanding, one has to address a wide range of issues like allocation and access to resources in family, division of labour, pooling and management of household income and choices of consumption. Additionally, to address the issue of changes in economic behaviour among Lodhas, the interface between consumption and market and impact of Government Plans and Policies on Consumption pattern has been explored.


The paper is based on three weeks fieldwork conducted in M.Sc Programme in Social Anthropology. This work is purely based on qualitative and ethnographic enquiry where fieldwork, participant observation, case study, interviews and life history has been employed to collect data.


Economic system, Consumption, Division of labour, Qualitative study, Lodhas, Jhargram.


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