Mutual fund companies are financial intermediaries providing financial services to small investors through mobilization of funds, when the investors invest in a mutual fund they are buying units of the mutual fund and become a unit holder of the fund.
This paper evaluates the performance of four equity infrastructure sectoral mutual fund schemes in India for the period from 31st March 2011 to 31st March 2018. The performance of the selected mutual fund schemes has been compared with Benchmark BSE 100 on the basis of quarterly returns. 91 days treasury bills risk free rate has been taken for study. Further, statistical tools like average, standard deviation, beta and the risk adjusted performance measures suggested by Sharpe (1966)(10), Treynor (1965) and Jensen (1968)(4) has been used to evaluate the performance of selected mutual fund schemes. The study concludes that L&T Infrastructure fund stands on 1th rank because it is providing good return of 3.87 % with moderate risk as compared to other schemes.
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