Suresh Kumar


It is approximately 2600 years ago when the great enlightened Master, to whom the world knows as the Buddha, has worked for the whole humankind irrespective of any colour, caste, creed or sex to get rid them from the clutches of mystery, convictions, beliefs, wrong doing etc., and to cultivate Mettā (universal friendliness), Karuṇā (universal compassion), Muditā (joy) and Upekkhā (equanimity) which safeguards the foundation of humanism in its real sense. As a concept, humanism gives more importance to the affairs of man against the outdated traditions and rituals of scholastic theology or philosophy.


Humankind, Humanism, Traditions, Theology, Philosophy, Caste.



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Thera P. (1979). “The Buddha Ancient Path”, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy.

Tiwary M. (2001). “Aspects of Buddhism 90Based on Pāli Sources”, in Shukla HS. (ed.), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.


Keown D. (2003). “Dictionary of Buddhism”, Oxford University Press, USA.

Kirkpatrick EM. (ed). (1984). “Chambers Dictionary of the 20th Century”, new edition, Allied Publishers, India.

Pukkaeo PP. (2009). Quoted from Milindapañha in his thesis, “A Study of the Social Aspects of Early Buddhist Philosophy”, Dept. of Buddhist Studies, Delhi.

Rhys Davids TW & Stede W. (ed). (2003). “Pali-English Dictionary”, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.

Truong BD. (2005). “Humanism in the Nikāya Literature”, Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi.


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