Yaqoob Allie


Kashmir has been a country, where different religions and sects flourished side by side without any violent conflicts in ancient times. Though the kings and queens were followers of Shavism and Vishnuism, they extended their patronage to Buddhism also. The introduction of Buddhism to Kashmir by the Indian emperor Ashoka makes the watershed in the religious history of Kashmir. Buddhism entered its golden age in the time of Kushana rulers. Buddhism became a prominent religion of the valley from the days of Kanishka. The kings and queens built many Buddhist Viharas and stupas. Ancient Kashmir brought up Buddhism nearly nine centuries. Buddhism has left deep rooted marks on the religious life of people. Kashmir is one of the most important and most famous lands in the spread and development of Buddhism. The spread of Buddhism in china, Tibet and other countries goes to Kashmiri scholars and monks.


Majjhantika, Hiuen Tsang, Kushanas, Hinayana, Menander, Bhiksus, Khotan, Nagasena.


Bamzai PNK. (1994). “Cultural and Poilitical History of Kashmir”, M.D. Publications, Jammu and Kashmir.

Khosla S. (1972). “History of Buddhism in Kashmir”, Sagar Publications, New Delhi.

Ray SC. (1957). “Early history and culture of Kashmir”, U. N. Dhur and Sons Ltd., Calcutta.

Raychaudhuri HC. (2006). “Political History of Ancient India”, Cosmo Publications, New Delhi.


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