Monika Ahlawat


The present study was undertaken to investigate emotional maturity in relation to altruism. The sample of the study comprised of 200 students through random sampling. The sample was selected from colleges of Panchkula district. Emotional Maturity Scale by Singh and Bhargava and Altruism test by Dr. Penny Jain was used to collect the data. Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis and product moment correlation was used for drawing inferences. The findings indicated significant difference in emotional maturity of high altruism group (HAG) and average altruism group (AAG); high altruism group and low altruism group (LAG); average altruism group and low altruism group. Further, a high and positive correlation was found between emotional maturity and altruism


Emotional Maturity, HAG-High Altruism Group, AAG-Average Altruism Group, LAG-Low Altruism Group.


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