Women in India have served a lot after independence. From just an experienced homemaker, women today have gained skills and potential of not just being a homemaker but being at parity with their male counterpart. Along with varying roles while working, they have preserved the conventional work culture of household. These days, companies are thriving towards high rate that the women have to work for longer hours to sustain the standard of living and accomplish their basic needs. In spite of having the recent technologies and services, women feel to be work loaded and stressed.
The literature on stress recommends that working women are lying on to the same face stressors practiced by working men. So far, women are also confronting with possibly exceptional stressors such as inequality, social disconnection, and work/home classes. Stress arises due to many causes which have been emphasized in this research paper. The research paper also contains reasons of stress and how to ease the stress and rise above such problems by the working women at their workplace, especially in banking industry.
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