21st century education is going through a paradigm shift where new technologies challenge our learning and modes of instruction. New literacies and new media are shaping the instructional and pedagogical practices of the global education system. An emerging technology in this scenario is Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). Technologies like MALL holds immense possibility to increase the overall effectiveness of language learning within and beyond the classroom in countries like India, where English is taught as a second language, while engineers, content developers and instructional designers are working towards making MALL an accessible reality, English teachers should start taking into consideration the unbound potential of this revolution in language learning.
The field of mobile assisted language learning for ESL learners in India is yet to be seriously explored and instructional and pedagogical framework is still lacking. A collaborative effort needs to be made by ESL learners and teachers to make the above context a reality in India. This paper is an exploratory study about the potential of mobile learning (m-learning) in second language acquisition and teaching in India. The paper analyses the challenges, prospects and consequence of using mobile-assisted language learning, for learners and trainers in the India.
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