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Deepti Aggarwal, A. K. Kapoor


Human beings are social animals. We all realize that much of what we do and think stem from our interaction with others. It will be hard to put find anything we do or think that is completely independent of our social relationships. The details of human behavior are provided by learning and people individual experiences which come through social-cultural relationship. Human behavior is the result of interaction of brain, culture and environment. Socio-biological culture of human beings shapes their cognitive development. Cognition refers to the process through information coming from the senses is transformed, reduced, elaborated, recovered and use. In this paper, we have discussed people perception about thinking pattern, emotion, dream and religion among Bania - an ethnic group. People’s perception of others’ personality and feeling-as well as the cause for their behavior are the result of nexus between culture-brain-environment.


Culture, Cognition, Human behavior, Social-Culture relationship, Perception, Thinking pattern.

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