Objectives: To study risk factors and incidence of placenta previa at tertiary care centre in Bhopal.
Design: A hospital based prospective observational study
Material and methods: All antenatal patients admitted with placenta previa during the study period at tertiary care centre. In a prospective study, total number of deliveries were 10,160 out of which 126 cases of placenta previa were identified.
Results: A total of 126 patients with placenta previa were reported and the incidence of patients with placenta previa in study period was 1.24%. Most of the women with placenta previa required caesarean section delivery (71.42%). Incidence of vaginal delivery (10.31%) was maximum in Type I placenta previa. 6 cases had obstetric hysterectomy 5 for accreta and 1 to control placental bed bleeding.15 patients admitted before term for bleeding per vaginum and were managed conservatively and discharged undelivered. Most common cause of maternal morbidity was anaemia 96.03% out of which 88.88% patient had blood transfusions. The incidence of maternal death in our study was 1.5%. Out of 107 babies majority of babies in this study were low birth weight (<2.5 kg) 62.6% of which was attributed to prematurity. Most common cause of fetal morbidity was asphyxia 50.46% followed by prematurity 40.20%.
Conclusion: In this study, the risk factors for placenta previa were short interpregnancy interval, scarred uterus/instrumentation and patient with addictions. Most of the women with placenta previa required caesarean section delivery. Most common cause of maternal morbidity was anaemia.
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