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G. J. Singh, R. S. Mohil, Vipul Kandwal, Pankaj Panwar, Umesh Jethwani, Abhinav Bansal, Jitender ., Nikhil Bansal


Simple hepatic cysts are believed to be congenital and relatively less common. This case report talks about 70 years old lady with known hypertensive, presented with history of pain and heaviness right upper abdomen since 4 to 5 years associated with dyspepsia. On clinical examination she was vitally stable, with no icterus, pallor, lymphadenopathy, nutrionally preserved, with performance status of 90, with adequate hydration status.


Hepatic cyst, Cystic disease, Simple hepatic cyst, Laparoscopic fenestration, Deroofing, Simple hepatic cyst laparoscopic fenestration.

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