Aim- The study is conducted with the aim to retrospectively evaluate epidemiology and surgical management of trauma cases in a tertiary care institute.
Material and Method- This study was conducted at Chirayu Medical College and Hospital (CMCH) situated on the Bhopal- Indore State highway with heavy traffic load. The data of 374 RTA victims admitted was collected from Jan 2013-Dec 2014 and analysed.
Result- Most of the victims were young in the age group of 15-30 years -127(33.9%). Most of the accidents were due to driving of two wheeler 220 (58.8%) patients. In majority of the victims head injury was the most common site of injury 114(30.4%). In this study 73 cases needed surgical intervention. Superficial maxillofacial trauma was managed in 22 (5.88%) patients. Craniotomy was done in 26 (6.95%) patients, and Exploratory laparotomy was done in 10 (2.67%) patients. Spinal injury was operated in 7 patients and blunt injury chest was requiring surgical intervention was seen in 8 patients.
Conclusion- As seen there is an alarming increasing trend of trauma cases in last decade. Trauma causes significant financial and social burden requiring prioritized focus and attention. A cost effective policy should be kept in mind in triage of trauma patients. Similar studies help in making policy and planning for trauma patients and decrease the morbidity and mortality. Further research should be done to better understand RTA and prevention strategies.Keywords
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