Introduction: Torsion of testis is rendered as one of most common urological emergency. Majority of times etiology for torsion of testis is unknown. Immediate surgical exploration can salvage an ischemic testis. Most of the testes can be salvaged if surgery is performed within 6 hours. As it is well established fact that with delayed presentation there is decreased viability of testes & chances of saving testes diminishes.
Material and Methods: In our study 53 patients of testicular torsion were included and underwent surgery (orchidectomy/orchidopexy) based on clinicosonological and intraoperative findings.
Observation: Majority of cases were in 11-15 years age group(58.4%) and absent or decreased cremasteric reflex and tenderness in testes are most sensitive predictor for torsion of testes. Majority of cases(62.2%) reported in our centre after 48-72 hrs of onset. We examined the patients clinically as well as sonologically and after comparing the variables we observed that clinical, sonological findings are almost consistent together as well as separately with intraoperative findings. In our study only 9.4% cases, testes were viable and ipsilateral derotation and bilateral orchidopexy was performed.
Conclusion: Testicular torsion however is not an uncommon clinical entity. However, through this paper we want to stress on the fact about the reason for delay in referral from rural areas. As it is a well-known fact that as time progresses rate of salvation of testes diminishes.
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