Purpose of Study: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic has become one of the greatest infectious disease threats to human health and social stability that the world has ever faced. Every year around 6 lakh new-born children get infected with the HIV virus worldwide. A pregnant woman with HIV infection has an approximately 30% chance of passing the virus on to her newborn baby. Prevention of Parent-To-Child Transmission (PPTCT) is a specific programme that provides a comprehensive, family-centred spectrum of support and clinical services along with other public health initiatives, to prevent the transmission of HIV from parents to their baby.
Material and Methods: 100 samples from pregnant female attending the antenatal clinics of MGM Hospital, Kalamboli, were subjected to test for detection of HIV antibodies.
Results: Out of 2984 patients visiting antenatal clinics 17 (0.56%) were reactive to HIV. The specificity of Comb AIDS-RS advantage-ST: HIV1+2, SD-Bioline and Pareekshak test was found to be same. The sensitivity and specificity of all three immunochromatography tests was 100% as compared to ELISA.
Conclusion: These results indicated that all three rapid tests, inspite of its rapidity and simplicity have same sensitivity and specificity as ELISA. The need of the hour is to provide PPTCT services in as many PHCS and private sector hospital as possible utilization of these services can be improved by creating awareness among the pregnant woman regarding the need and benefits of getting tested.
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